Why looking forward with REVEAL® is better than looking back with MES

cbeecherArtificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0

As we introduce REVEAL® to manufacturers who are unfamiliar with our product, they tend to confuse us with MES systems. While there are numerous competitors in the MES space, they, for the most part, are focused on query-based data mining, and summary reporting. An MES is primarily a data repository with some analytic and user interface functionality, with serialization and part traceability for managing containment actions. REVEAL® takes the next step in the process, leveraging MES data in an entirely new way.

Many manufacturers who have connected their assembly and manufacturing processes have taken the first step in their Industry 4.0 journey by collecting and storing manufacturing process data. Creating a data repository enables them to apply powerful algorithms and data analytics to better understand the health of their manufacturing process. Once connected, process engineers can engage in data mining exercises seeking causes of process variation that lead to scrap and repairs and other costs of poor quality (COPQ). MES has helped the industry significantly by organizing manufacturing data in such a way that enables engineers and other management personnel to mine out the data required to support whatever project they are working on. The drawback of MES Systems is that they support problem-solving after a loss has been incurred.

Industry 4.0 must be focused on preventing quality problems, not solving them more efficiently after the fact. The proper application of industry 4.x is to prevent disruptions to manufacturing processes. Dashboards and reports on KPIs are not enough. They only provide insight into PAST PERFORMANCE. Preventing disruptions from happening, to begin with, is the way forward. Cutting-edge technology and the application of artificial intelligence with products such as REVEAL Plant Floor Intelligence is applying the data that is aggregating in MES is applying in a proactive way. Artificial intelligence applied to existing MES data stores enables powerful decision-making software with the ability to communicate with problem solvers, and people, in real time. Look for products and services with FORWARD-LOOKING technology that prevents losses from occurring. Applications that monitor raw data in real time and translate it into prescriptive corrective actions that prevent quality issues are the goal.

Manufacturers should not be fooled by websites claiming to have artificial intelligence or machine learning algorithms. Instead, look for evidence such as screenshots and verbiage that speaks of real-time monitoring of the entire manufacturing process. In addition, look for evidence of an intelligent communication module with the ability to deliver details necessary to prevent disruptions to production. If still in doubt, call them and ask them to explain how their application prevents disruptions from occurring. For an example of this type of application, contact the folks at Trumble Inc., and don’t hesitate to ask hard questions.